
Showing posts from 2013

Are Christians Bigots by Nature?

                Recently there has been a firestorm of name-calling and hate going around on the internet for the recent case of Phil Robertson, the Duck Commander. For my international audience that doesn’t know what is going on, Mr. Robertson was interviewed and the issue of homosexuality came to light. Phil made some unfiltered comments which surmised to that Phil did not agree with the lifestyle because of his Christianity and that he just didn’t get it. Phil also made some off the cuff remarks about the Jim Crow law era. A&E has since indefinitely suspended Phil from the show “Duck Dynasty”   and has sparked a huge outcry from everyone. People have called Phil hateful, a bigot, and a racist over this; while his defenders are claiming he is protected by his first amendment rights. I will get around to the first amendment issue toward the end of this, but I want to answer a question that hit me...

Why Study the Bible?

                So you might be a Christian who has just accepted Christ, a Christian of many years, or a person of different faith. A universal question that I think could be asked by all is, why study the Bible? For a Christian, one might wonder why they should study God’s word now that they have accepted Christ, that’s all they need right? A non-Christian may be quick to point out the errors in the Bible, either illogical statements or the question of translation errors from the multiple thousands years of translations into multiple languages.                 To answer the Christians, what about your personal walk with God and the Great Commission? The Bible is the living word of God, and by ignoring the Bible in your walk, it’s like ignoring a large aspect of a friend. The Bible is, among the knowledge base for Christianity, o...

Evidence to Support Creation/Intelligent Design

                During my post concerning education, I made comments over how evolution can be taught in a classroom without affecting the worldview of the students. Thanks to the comment from someone on the article, I got to thinking about the opposite side, creationism/intelligent design. How could one introduce these theories and ideas without imposing a worldview on your students? Now unfortunately I cannot think of a way to introduce these views without introducing some sort of God, but they can be introduced by using the Deistic God, who is an impersonal being that started the universe and then left everything alone within this creation.   A deistic god does not push a specific worldview per say, but it does point toward a supernatural being that cannot be scientifically proven in the classical sense, so some people may already be throwing up their hands and claim multiple problems with teaching...

A Christian’s Perspective on Education

                In the state of Texas, there has been a showdown occurring over what should be taught in the classrooms. Specifically the issue is over the teaching of evolution in the classroom. The people on the committee apparently have little to no scientific background, yet they are the ones making the decision over what we will dictate to our children as science. These committee members are trying to eliminate any talk of evolution from our classrooms and are trying to put in alternatives in place of this subject. What I would like to do is give my perspective on what should be taught in our classrooms.                 Despite how ignorant these people are appearing to be when it comes to the subject of evolution, I understand their intentions on trying to eliminate the subject from textbooks. These people are afraid that th...

On the Nature of Prophecy

                To follow my last post on miracles, the topic of prophecy is very closely tied in with the topic of the supernatural becoming part of the natural. I’ll stay with the same style as the same post and give the dictionary definition of the word prophecy. In this case from Merriam-Webster: “The inspired utterance of a prophet, the function or vocation of a prophet, the inspired declaration of divine will or purpose, or a prediction of something to come.” Unfortunately, prophecy seems to have been shelved with parlor tricks with psychic readings and divinations. What I would like to do is try to bring back the credibility of prophecy, maybe not in the so-called modern day prophets, but definitely in the prophets and prophecies of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.                 Throughout the Old Testament are pr...