
Showing posts from December, 2013

Are Christians Bigots by Nature?

                Recently there has been a firestorm of name-calling and hate going around on the internet for the recent case of Phil Robertson, the Duck Commander. For my international audience that doesn’t know what is going on, Mr. Robertson was interviewed and the issue of homosexuality came to light. Phil made some unfiltered comments which surmised to that Phil did not agree with the lifestyle because of his Christianity and that he just didn’t get it. Phil also made some off the cuff remarks about the Jim Crow law era. A&E has since indefinitely suspended Phil from the show “Duck Dynasty”   and has sparked a huge outcry from everyone. People have called Phil hateful, a bigot, and a racist over this; while his defenders are claiming he is protected by his first amendment rights. I will get around to the first amendment issue toward the end of this, but I want to answer a question that hit me...

Why Study the Bible?

                So you might be a Christian who has just accepted Christ, a Christian of many years, or a person of different faith. A universal question that I think could be asked by all is, why study the Bible? For a Christian, one might wonder why they should study God’s word now that they have accepted Christ, that’s all they need right? A non-Christian may be quick to point out the errors in the Bible, either illogical statements or the question of translation errors from the multiple thousands years of translations into multiple languages.                 To answer the Christians, what about your personal walk with God and the Great Commission? The Bible is the living word of God, and by ignoring the Bible in your walk, it’s like ignoring a large aspect of a friend. The Bible is, among the knowledge base for Christianity, o...