
Showing posts from May, 2014

Born This Way: Explanation or Excuse?

                A common argument that the gay community uses when one calls their lifestyle sinful is that they were born this way, so no choice is involved. Why would God make someone a certain way then call that way wrong? While this argument seems to hold water at first glance, I believe it falls apart once analyzed. Before I go to far into this article, I want to emphasize a few things. I hold no hatred towards the gay community; believe it or not, I love you equally to everyone else. I just happen to disagree with your lifestyle choice and believe it to be spiritually and psychologically harmful. What I present here is not supposed to be hate speech, though if anyone quotes me in an attempt to promote hate speech toward the gay community, let me say it right here that this is not my intention. My intention here is to examine the “born this way” argument and see if it is the end-all argument for this ...

The Importance of One

People like to generalize topics in life. Generalization makes life easier and saves people time of explaining the intricacies of each and every situation that may arise within the topic at hand. Unfortunately, not all generalizations are good. Bad generalizations, or stereotypes when we are referring to people groups, typically serve as comedic devices to make people feel better at the expense of certain people groups. When taken to extremes, stereotype jokes become serious racism, where people outright hate other people groups for one reason or another. Unfortunately, racism does exist and it causes all of us to fall back on the preconceptions we have of others every now and again. These assumptions may sometimes be true, but more often than not, at least in my experience, they are hurtful and way off the mark. The ideal situation is that we can take the time to get to know each and every individual and have deep fellowship with everyone. Unfortunately as I said, generalizatio...