Aren’t We All Basically Good?
A common argument I hear against the gospel of Christ is that people are good enough to get along without God. They go to work, take care of their families, are civil with their neighbors, and only occasionally curse out the person who just cut them off in traffic. Now obviously the list I provided is made up and a caricature of what I have heard, but hopefully you get the idea. These people believe that by being good according to the standards of the people around them and the government; that of course they are going to Heaven! Unfortunately, I have to say that these people are wrong for a few reasons, and I would hope to be able to elaborate on these reasons here. They believe they are good enough: Something I see quite a bit is that people will claim that there are worse people than them, so by comparison they are good enough and that God will accept them on the basis that they are better than most. Unfortunately...