
Showing posts from May, 2015

What if I’m Wrong?

                This is a question that I’ve been thinking about answering in a couple of different ways, and hopefully better than the allusion to the genetic fallacy that was provided by Richard Dawkins when provided this question. So let’s try and unpack the question of what if I am wrong?                 This question I can think of multiple ways, what if I am wrong in my apologetics, meaning by reasoning and logic are flawed? This is a very interesting point, as I try to be as logical as possible while writing. But say that I am completely misled and my reasoning is completely off the point and I am a crazy man shouting nonsense on the internet. Does this disprove the existence of God? I would hope not, there are plenty of people with a wrong opinion of God, from theology to being completely wrong about his existence, but opinion does not change fact.  ...