Is Christianity just a crutch philosophy? Or is it something more?
heard the argument, and I’ve indeed posted quotes about this, that people are
Christians because they view it as a crutch philosophy. In a way, Christianity
is a crutch, but not in the way critics and accusers, and even Christians with
the wrong idea, think. We can do nothing apart from Christ (John 15:5), so our
relationship with him is more of a wooden leg, rather than a crutch that we use
only when we need help walking. We are called to lean on God, and not our own
understanding. Christianity is here to answer some of the greatest
philosophical questions of mankind, but as we are warned in Colossians 2:8 “See
to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy,
which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this
world rather than on Christ”. This would mean that we are not to be taken in by
the appeal of ideas, but rather the person of Jesus. It is through the
relationship with God through Jesus that we are saved, not through the
knowledge of arguments about the existence of God or the validity of
Christianity. While I do use philosophical arguments, and study them in an
effort to understand God, that isn’t the point of Christianity, or any
relationship for that matter. I do use these arguments in my ministry and
evangelism, but eventually I have to actually talk with people and know them as
people, so that God can truly work. My wife has degrees in psychology and
counseling, so she knows quite a bit of literature and theory about
relationships and people, but she knows that we actually have to talk to people
and build those relationships and enjoy those individual relationships, rather
than just quoting studies at them when she is talking to people. Indeed, I
needed to act on the information that I gathered about my wife to ask her out
on a date.
There is another side of this talk,
while Christ does give us answers, He is also here to help us and guide us
through this life. He and the apostles (inspired by God) wrote to us in
scripture that life would not be easy, and that He would be here to help us
through it. Indeed, Paul wrote to us many times that God provided for him and
the church so that they would make it with God’s help, and not on their own.
(Philippians 4:13, Acts 12:3-19, Acts 5:12, Acts 9:17-18). I could go on
through this, but we see multiple acts of God that occurred through the early
members of the church. But even in a life where we don’t see miraculous
releases from prison, survival of ship wrecks, and so on, we are warned that
life as a Christian will be difficult (James 1:1-18). Even in this, God will be
with us, because this life is not all there is, because we as Christians will
go on to be with Him, where our true home is. I would hope that this writing
has helped you understand the nature of Christianity a bit more. If you ever
want to chat a bit about Christianity or life in general, I am always willing
to offer my ears (or eyes if I’m reading an email). May God bless you and have
a good rest of your day.
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