Should Christians be involved in politics? Should we take sides?

                I’m sure the current political climate in the United States needs no introduction, so I can dive straight in to this post. Should Christians get involved in politics, and should we be taking sides with each political controversy? This falls into a previous post of mine, describing the role of emotions in truth arguments. What I would like to do is have a short post describing my thoughts on the current political process, and why Christians should be interested in truth over politics.
                I think as Christians, truth and justice should matter over politics. I will admit that neither left, right, or moderate has a monopoly on these. I think that we should be looking at each political issue on a case by case basis, and deciding what is best there, regardless of what side of the aisle it falls on. I think what matters is whether or not our answer aligns with scripture. For instance, environmentalist political policies are mostly considered left-wing by conservatives, but we know as Christians that we are stewards of the Earth, and as such we should be doing our best to take care of the Earth (Genesis 2:15). On the other side, pro-life efforts are considered right-wing, but each and every human life is considered precious to God (Matthew 6:26).
                We are also very concerned with truth, as because if the resurrection is not true, then we are to be pitied among all other humans (1 Corinthians 15:14). Truth is not very easy to find in some cases, but it is crucial in determining the innocent and guilty. This is the case with our current supreme court justice nominee, standing with allegations of sexual assault. We must be able to determine whether or not the allegations hold water, because I think we can all agree we don’t want someone guilty of sexual assault on the highest court in the land. On the other hand, if these allegations are false, then the proper message must be sent to the false accusers. In Deuteronomy (19:18-19) it is said that false accusers should take the sentence intended for the accused. Now, as far as I am aware, Kavanaugh is not under criminal investigation, so I don’t know if this would apply in a Christian framework, but there definitely is precedent for false accusations to land jail tame for the accusers. This is only one example, but we must be interested in truth above all else, or events, reputations, and people are going to be hurt (to put it lightly).
                I could go on all day and night, but I think this is enough for today and hopefully enough to demonstrate what I am trying to say. Christians should not be limited to left or right. We are children of God, called to bring the Earth to salvation through Christ, and we must act as such. I hope this has given you something to think about. May God bless you and have a good rest of your day.


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