
Showing posts from December, 2018

Sermon from a Dream

                 This isn’t necessarily apologetics related, but something I wanted to get written down. A few days ago, I had a dream that I was giving a sermon to what appeared to be a high school pep rally. I don’t think this meant I will be giving this sermon, or that even I should be a preacher, but I what I recall is the content of what I was talking about.                 I was talking to the students, and giving an analogy about Christ and his salvation. Imagine we had to run a ridiculous marathon, say New York to Los Angeles in one sitting. There is no way we could do this without dropping dead (the origin of the marathon story came to mind, where the Greek messenger dropped dead after running   back to Athens to report their victory). With this in mind Jesus came and offered us his car to make this trip instead, so we could make it because Jesus is d...

A Lesson from the Old Testament

                 If anyone follows me on social media, you probably notice that I fall on the conservative/libertarian spectrum of politics.   I do want to say that I can be persuaded depending on this issue to look and possibly accept other sides, but I want to present my main reason as to why I think one should be careful if they are a Jew/Christian, and think that we should be giving our power to the governing bodies because they think we should be like everyone else.                 In the Old Testament, the Israelites also wanted to be like everyone else, so they asked God to elect a king to rule over them (read 1 Samuel 8) because they saw that every other nation around them was ruled by a king. Now, many of these nations were deemed to be wicked, and ceremonial laws were put in place by God to help separate Israel from the rest of the world, because God...