How can we be sure that Christianity is true?

                This post is a response to a classic meme that we have all probably seen. We have seen the posts from popular atheist and anti-Christian forums that post this meme that goes something like this “There have been thousands of gods throughout human civilization, but don’t worry, only yours is the real one.” At first glance, this statement may hold some water, but when we take a look closer, we see that they are throwing out the baby with the bath water, so to speak. The meme tries to discredit Christianity because there are so many false religions out there. Really what they should be asking is, “how can Christianity claim to be true when other religions claim they have the exclusive truth?” What I want to do is to take a look at these questions and show how we can know that not only Christianity is true, but how we can see how other worldviews fail under the same criteria.
                Many religions are exclusive in their claims to truth, this fact itself refutes a new age idea that there are many paths to God. So we need to be able to lay out each religion and see how they can answer the 4 following questions.
1.       Origin, where did we come from?
2.       Meaning, why are we here?
3.       Morality, what is good and what is bad?
4.       Destiny, where are we going?
In addition, the answers these questions must pass two tests, correspondence to truth through empirical findings or logical/philosophical arguments, and coherence to itself. This means that each of the answers to the 4 above questions has to hold up to scrutiny and present supporting evidence. This evidence can be historical, scientific, or philosophical. For example, Christianity has a plethora of external historical evidences to support that the person of Jesus existed, that Jesus did miraculous works, and that the early church believed that Jesus was crucified and resurrected on the third day. The Quran claims that Jesus did not die, but rather just appeared to die. So we also have opposing claims in religions over historical details. In addition, these answers must be coherent with each other within that worldview.          
We can also frame the argument that our religion of choice has missed something, that there is another worldview out there that can answer our above questions better than the one of our choice. We can generalize how a worldview looks at God and the Universe and work through our classifications pretty quickly. Our three questions are as follows.
1.       Only Universe (mass/energy) exists (Atheism and Naturalism)
2.       Only God Exists (Many Eastern Religions)
3.       Both God and the Universe exist (Judasim, Chrisitanity, Islam)
So we can also present philosophical cases to show that both God and the Universe exist, and that we aren’t part of some universal consciousness, which may be a future post.
So this post I wanted to write as a quick response, but I admit much of my material was inspired form Dr. Ravi Zacharias’ video which I have linked below. I plan to do some more research and update this to make it more my own. God bless and have a good rest of your week.


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