“Christian-ese” Series: What do Christians believe about the Bible

              I’ve prayed a bit about this, and I feel lead to do another series. This time, I am going to tackle a series meant specifically for non-Christians, and try to explain “Christian-ese” the language and concepts Christians may use all the time that non-Christians may not. They simply may not understand or think that we are trying to confuse them on purpose. To start, I want to tackle the holy book of Christians, the word of God, the Bible.
              What is the Bible? Christians believe that the Bible is the word of God, spoken to the writers, that they wrote down. The Bible is compiled of these inspired works over the centuries that it took for God’s plan to be revealed to us through the arrival of Jesus and the founding of the early church.
Christians believe that the Bible is a living, breathing document, that helps us to learn the heart of God. It is a road map of the history of mankind in relation to God; where we came from, where we are now, and where we are going.
              We have numerous ancient texts that show that the Bible has not been corrupted over time (such as the Dead Sea Scrolls). Though some recent forgeries of the scrolls have been recently reported, most of what we have has been properly verified.
              I hope this is a good intro to this series. Let me know if this helps you in conversations with non-Christians, and if there are any important details that I missed that should be included. God bless and have a good rest of your day.


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