Who wrote the book of Hebrews?
Who wrote the book of Hebrews? One topic of apologetics is defending the reliability of scripture, typically I write about the general reliability of scripture and that the Bible has not been corrupted over time because we have ancient copies (Dead Sea Scrolls), and that the Bible is indeed history (defending historicity of the resurrection, Jesus existed, events of Old Testament, etc.), but today we will take a look at a new topic for me, the authorship of specific books of the Bible. This is more of a Christian to Christian conversation in my view, but since churches split over differences like this, it is worth it to pursue so we have a fair treatment of both sides and can have an honest discussion and hopefully maintain unity in the church, even if we come to different conclusions about issues like this. Today we are looking at the book of Hebrews, a book that really doesn’t have authorship attributed to it today, but is traditionally thought of as being written by Paul. Ancien...