Can God redeem technologies that have sinful beginnings?
With the advent (no Christmas pun intended) of the COVID vaccine, I have seen a huge uptick of Christians who are claiming some conspiracy theory of aborted fetus tissues being used in the production of the vaccine. I did some digging, and their claims are a little twisted. HEK293 and HeLa cells were used in the studies leading to the production of the vaccine. HEK293 cells were derived from the kidney tissue of an aborted fetus, and HeLa cells were derived from an African American cancer patient without her knowledge or consent. So yes, these cells were derived from aborted tissue and a human source in an unethical manner, but these cells have been immortalized, meaning that the cells can divide continuously. They cannot grow into a functioning human being, as the cells are already specialized into a certain type of cell. These cells being used does not mean that babies are constantly being killed when these cells are used. Does this histo...