Response to Lawrence Krauss’ Anecdotal Argument about God and Morals
Recently, Dr. Lawrence Krass attended DebateCon to debate Michael Jones of InspiringPhilosophy as to whether or not Christian Ethics or Secular Ethics were more beneficial to society. During some of the cross examination, Dr. Krauss put forward this anecdotal evidence for how Christianity/Theism can’t be all there is to Ethics, because he has polled crowds of people asking them “If you lost belief in God, would you go out and commit murder?” According to Dr. Krauss, everyone he asked said “of course not”. It seems good at first, but as Michael pointed out, it was really anecdotal evidence in the face of all the studies that Michael brought to bear. That being said, I wanted to critique Dr. Krauss’ whole premise, as it seems to me that one’s ethics and morals don’t exist in a vacuum, they have to be in response to something. I was pondering Dr. Krauss’ q...